Thank you very much for supporting the work of our Foundation and for honoring the lives of James and Michael. We are grateful for your support.
Farrell Boy Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered as a New York State Charity. Contributions and donations made to the Foundation are deductible as charitable donations to the extent allowed under the law. As such, generally, donations are deductible to the extent in excess of the value of any goods or services received in exchange.
Donate with Venmo
We accept donations through Venmo @farrellboyfoundation.
Donate Electronically with Zelle (zero fees)
To use Zelle, please:
- Log into your bank app
- Find Zelle in your banking app
- Click “Send”
- Click on the QR Code icon displayed at the top of the “Select Recipient” screen
- Your mobile’s camera app will open
- To donate to us, point the camera at the QR Code above. The Farrell Boy Foundation account will open up. Enter your donation amount, and then hit “Send”
Donate by Check
If you wish to donate to Farrell Boy Foundation by check, kindly make your check payable to the “Farrell Boy Foundation” and mail it to Farrell Boy Foundation, P.O. Box 879, Plandome, New York 11030.
Donate Online
Please use our form below to make a secure online donation through Stripe.